Source code for ihm.geometry

"""Classes for handling geometry.

   Geometric objects (see :class:`GeometricObject`) are usually
   used in :class:`~ihm.restraint.GeometricRestraint` objects.

[docs] class Center(object): """Define the center of a geometric object in Cartesian space. :param float x: x coordinate :param float y: y coordinate :param float z: z coordinate """ def __init__(self, x, y, z): self.x, self.y, self.z = x, y, z
[docs] class Transformation(object): """Rotation and translation applied to an object. Transformation objects are typically used in subclasses of :class:`GeometricObject`, or by :class:`ihm.dataset.TransformedDataset`. :param rot_matrix: Rotation matrix (as a 3x3 array of floats) that places the object in its final position. :param tr_vector: Translation vector (as a 3-element float list) that places the object in its final position. """ def __init__(self, rot_matrix, tr_vector): self.rot_matrix, self.tr_vector = rot_matrix, tr_vector """Return the identity transformation. :return: A new identity Transformation. :rtype: :class:`Transformation` """ @classmethod def identity(cls): return cls([[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.]], [0., 0., 0.])
[docs] class GeometricObject(object): """A generic geometric object. See also :class:`Sphere`, :class:`Torus`, :class:`Axis`, :class:`Plane`. Geometric objects are typically assigned to one or more :class:`~ihm.restraint.GeometricRestraint` objects. :param str name: A short user-provided name. :param str description: A brief description of the object. """ type = 'other' def __init__(self, name=None, description=None):, self.description = name, description
[docs] class Sphere(GeometricObject): """A sphere in Cartesian space. :param center: Coordinates of the center of the sphere. :type center: :class:`Center` :param radius: Radius of the sphere. :param transformation: Rotation and translation that moves the sphere from the original center to its final location, if any. :type transformation: :class:`Transformation` :param str name: A short user-provided name. :param str description: A brief description of the object. """ type = 'sphere' def __init__(self, center, radius, transformation=None, name=None, description=None): super(Sphere, self).__init__(name, description), self.transformation = center, transformation self.radius = radius
[docs] class Torus(GeometricObject): """A torus in Cartesian space. :param center: Coordinates of the center of the torus. :type center: :class:`Center` :param major_radius: The major radius - the distance from the center of the tube to the center of the torus. :param minor_radius: The minor radius - the radius of the tube. :param transformation: Rotation and translation that moves the torus (which by default lies in the xy plane) from the original center to its final location, if any. :type transformation: :class:`Transformation` :param str name: A short user-provided name. :param str description: A brief description of the object. """ type = 'torus' def __init__(self, center, major_radius, minor_radius, transformation=None, name=None, description=None): super(Torus, self).__init__(name, description), self.transformation = center, transformation self.major_radius, self.minor_radius = major_radius, minor_radius
[docs] class HalfTorus(GeometricObject): """A section of a :class:`Torus`. This is defined as a surface over part of the torus with a given thickness, and is often used to represent a membrane. :param thickness: The thickness of the surface. :param inner: True if the surface is the 'inner' half of the torus (i.e. closer to the center), False for the outer surface, or None for some other section (described in `description`). See :class:`Torus` for a description of the other parameters. """ type = 'half-torus' def __init__(self, center, major_radius, minor_radius, thickness, transformation=None, inner=None, name=None, description=None): super(HalfTorus, self).__init__(name, description), self.transformation = center, transformation self.major_radius, self.minor_radius = major_radius, minor_radius self.thickness, self.inner = thickness, inner
[docs] class Axis(GeometricObject): """One of the three Cartesian axes - see :class:`XAxis`, :class:`YAxis`, :class:`ZAxis`. :param transformation: Rotation and translation that moves the axis from the original Cartesian axis to its final location, if any. :type transformation: :class:`Transformation` :param str name: A short user-provided name. :param str description: A brief description of the object. """ type = 'axis' def __init__(self, transformation=None, name=None, description=None): super(Axis, self).__init__(name, description) self.transformation = transformation
[docs] class XAxis(Axis): """The x Cartesian axis. See :class:`GeometricObject` for a description of the parameters. """ axis_type = 'x-axis'
[docs] class YAxis(Axis): """The y Cartesian axis. See :class:`GeometricObject` for a description of the parameters. """ axis_type = 'y-axis'
[docs] class ZAxis(Axis): """The z Cartesian axis. See :class:`GeometricObject` for a description of the parameters. """ axis_type = 'z-axis'
[docs] class Plane(GeometricObject): """A plane in Cartesian space - see :class:`XYPlane`, :class:`YZPlane`, :class:`XZPlane`. :param transformation: Rotation and translation that moves the plane from the original position to its final location, if any. :type transformation: :class:`Transformation` :param str name: A short user-provided name. :param str description: A brief description of the object. """ type = 'plane' def __init__(self, transformation=None, name=None, description=None): super(Plane, self).__init__(name, description) self.transformation = transformation
[docs] class XYPlane(Plane): """The xy plane in Cartesian space. See :class:`GeometricObject` for a description of the parameters. """ plane_type = 'xy-plane'
[docs] class YZPlane(Plane): """The yz plane in Cartesian space. See :class:`GeometricObject` for a description of the parameters. """ plane_type = 'yz-plane'
[docs] class XZPlane(Plane): """The xz plane in Cartesian space. See :class:`GeometricObject` for a description of the parameters. """ plane_type = 'xz-plane'