Source code for ihm

"""Representation of an IHM mmCIF file as a set of Python classes.

   Generally class names correspond to mmCIF table names and class
   attributes to mmCIF attributes (with prefixes like `pdbx_` stripped).
   For example, the data item _entity.details is found in the
   :class:`Entity` class, as the `details` member.

   Ordinals and IDs are generally not used in this representation (instead,
   pointers to objects are used).

import itertools
import re
import sys
# Handle different naming of urllib in Python 2/3
    import urllib.request as urllib2
except ImportError:    # pragma: no cover
    import urllib2
import json
from . import util

__version__ = '1.0'

class __UnknownValue(object):
    # Represent the mmCIF 'unknown' special value

    def __str__(self):
        return '?'
    __repr__ = __str__

    def __bool__(self):
        return False
    # Python2 compatibility
    __nonzero__ = __bool__

    # Needs to be hashable so that classes like Software (that might
    # use unknown values as attributes) are hashable
    def __hash__(self):
        return 0

    # Unknown value is a singleton and should only compare equal to itself
    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self is other

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return False
    __gt__ = __lt__
    __le__ = __ge__ = __eq__

#: A value that isn't known. Note that this is distinct from a value that
#: is deliberately omitted, which is represented by Python None.
unknown = __UnknownValue()

def _remove_identical(gen):
    """Return only unique objects from `gen`.
       Objects that are identical are only returned once, although multiple
       non-identical objects that compare equal may be returned."""
    seen_objs = {}
    for obj in gen:
        if id(obj) in seen_objs:
        seen_objs[id(obj)] = None
        yield obj

[docs] class System(object): """Top-level class representing a complete modeled system. :param str title: Title (longer text description) of the system. :param str id: Unique identifier for this system in the mmCIF file. :param str model_details: Detailed description of the system, like an abstract. """ structure_determination_methodology = "integrative" def __init__(self, title=None, id='model', model_details=None): = id self.title = title self.model_details = model_details #: List of plain text comments. These will be added to the top of #: the mmCIF file. self.comments = [] #: List of all software used in the modeling. See :class:`Software`. = [] #: List of all authors of this system, as a list of strings (last name #: followed by initials, e.g. "Smith, A.J."). When writing out a file, #: if this list is empty, the set of all citation authors (see #: :class:`Citation`) is used instead. self.authors = [] #: List of all grants that supported this work. See :class:`Grant`. self.grants = [] #: List of all citations. See :class:`Citation`. self.citations = [] #: All entities used in the system. See :class:`Entity`. self.entities = [] #: All asymmetric units used in the system. See :class:`AsymUnit`. self.asym_units = [] #: Collections (if any) to which this entry belongs. #: These are used to group depositions of related entries. #: See :class:`Collection`. self.collections = [] #: All orphaned chemical descriptors in the system. #: See :class:`ChemDescriptor`. This can be used to track descriptors #: that are not otherwise used - normally one is assigned to a #: :class:`ihm.restraint.CrossLinkRestraint`. self.orphan_chem_descriptors = [] #: All orphaned assemblies in the system. See :class:`Assembly`. #: This can be used to keep track of all assemblies that are not #: otherwise used - normally one is assigned to a #: :class:`~ihm.model.Model`, #: :class:`ihm.protocol.Step`, or #: :class:`~ihm.restraint.Restraint`. self.orphan_assemblies = [] #: The assembly of the entire system. By convention this is always #: the first assembly in the mmCIF file (assembly_id=1). Note that #: currently this isn't filled in on output until dumper.write() #: is called. See :class:`Assembly`. self.complete_assembly = Assembly((), name='Complete assembly', description='All known components') #: Locations of all extra resources. #: See :class:`~ihm.location.Location`. self.locations = [] #: All orphaned datasets. #: This can be used to keep track of all datasets that are not #: otherwise used - normally a dataset is assigned to a #: :class:`~ihm.dataset.DatasetGroup`, #: :class:`~ihm.startmodel.StartingModel`, #: :class:`~ihm.restraint.Restraint`, #: :class:`~ihm.startmodel.Template`, #: or as the parent of another :class:`~ihm.dataset.Dataset`. #: See :class:`~ihm.dataset.Dataset`. self.orphan_datasets = [] #: All orphaned groups of datasets. #: This can be used to keep track of all dataset groups that are not #: otherwise used - normally a group is assigned to a #: :class:`~ihm.protocol.Protocol`. #: See :class:`~ihm.dataset.DatasetGroup`. self.orphan_dataset_groups = [] #: All orphaned representations of the system. #: This can be used to keep track of all representations that are not #: otherwise used - normally one is assigned to a #: :class:`~ihm.model.Model`. #: See :class:`~ihm.representation.Representation`. self.orphan_representations = [] #: All orphaned starting models for the system. #: This can be used to keep track of all starting models that are not #: otherwise used - normally one is assigned to an #: :class:`ihm.representation.Segment`. #: See :class:`~ihm.startmodel.StartingModel`. self.orphan_starting_models = [] #: All restraints on the system. #: See :class:`~ihm.restraint.Restraint`. self.restraints = [] #: All restraint groups. #: See :class:`~ihm.restraint.RestraintGroup`. self.restraint_groups = [] #: All orphaned modeling protocols. #: This can be used to keep track of all protocols that are not #: otherwise used - normally a protocol is assigned to a #: :class:`~ihm.model.Model`. #: See :class:`~ihm.protocol.Protocol`. self.orphan_protocols = [] #: All ensembles. #: See :class:`~ihm.model.Ensemble`. self.ensembles = [] #: All ordered processes. #: See :class:`~ihm.model.OrderedProcess`. self.ordered_processes = [] #: All state groups (collections of models). #: See :class:`~ihm.model.StateGroup`. self.state_groups = [] #: All orphaned geometric objects. #: This can be used to keep track of all objects that are not #: otherwise used - normally an object is assigned to a #: :class:`~ihm.restraint.GeometricRestraint`. #: See :class:`~ihm.geometry.GeometricObject`. self.orphan_geometric_objects = [] #: All orphaned features. #: This can be used to keep track of all features that are not #: otherwise used - normally a feature is assigned to a #: :class:`~ihm.restraint.GeometricRestraint`. #: See :class:`~ihm.restraint.Feature`. self.orphan_features = [] #: All orphaned pseudo sites. #: This can be used to keep track of all pseudo sites that are not #: otherwise used - normally a site is used in a #: :class:`~ihm.restraint.PseudoSiteFeature` or a #: :class:`~ihm.restraint.CrossLinkPseudoSite`. self.orphan_pseudo_sites = [] #: Contains the fluorescence (FLR) part. #: See :class:`~ihm.flr.FLRData`. self.flr_data = [] #: All multi-state schemes #: See :class:`~ihm.multi_state_scheme.MultiStateScheme`. self.multi_state_schemes = [] def _make_complete_assembly(self): """Fill in the complete assembly with all asym units""" # Clear out any existing components self.complete_assembly[:] = [] # Include all asym units for asym in self.asym_units: self.complete_assembly.append(asym) def _all_models(self): """Iterate over all Models in the system""" # todo: raise an error if a model is present in multiple groups for group in self._all_model_groups(): seen_models = {} for model in group: if model in seen_models: continue seen_models[model] = None yield group, model
[docs] def update_locations_in_repositories(self, repos): """Update all :class:`~ihm.location.Location` objects in the system that lie within a checked-out :class:`~ihm.location.Repository` to point to that repository. This is intended for the use case where the current working directory is a checkout of a repository which is archived somewhere with a DOI. Locations can then be simply constructed pointing to local files, and retroactively updated with this method to point to the DOI if appropriate. For each Location, if it points to a local file that is below the `root` of one of the `repos`, update it to point to that repository. If is under multiple roots, pick the one that gives the shortest path. For example, if run in a subdirectory `foo` of a repository archived as ``, the local path `simple.pdb` will be updated to be `repo-top/foo/simple.pdb` in ``:: l = ihm.location.InputFileLocation("simple.pdb") system.locations.append(l) r = ihm.location.Repository(doi='', url='',) top_directory="repo-top", root="..") system.update_locations_in_repositories([r]) """ import ihm.location for loc in self._all_locations(): if isinstance(loc, ihm.location.FileLocation): ihm.location.Repository._update_in_repos(loc, repos)
[docs] def report(self, fh=sys.stdout): """Print a summary report of this system. This can be used to more easily spot errors or inconsistencies. It will also warn about missing data that may not be technically required for a compliant mmCIF file, but is usually expected to be present. :param file fh: The file handle to print the report to, if not standard output. """ import r =, fh)
def _all_restraints(self): """Iterate over all Restraints in the system. Duplicates may be present.""" def _all_restraints_in_groups(): for rg in self.restraint_groups: for r in rg: yield r return itertools.chain(self.restraints, _all_restraints_in_groups()) def _all_chem_descriptors(self): """Iterate over all ChemDescriptors in the system. Duplicates may be present.""" return itertools.chain( self.orphan_chem_descriptors, (restraint.linker for restraint in self._all_restraints() if hasattr(restraint, 'linker') and restraint.linker), (itertools.chain.from_iterable( f._all_flr_chemical_descriptors() for f in self.flr_data))) def _all_model_groups(self, only_in_states=True): """Iterate over all ModelGroups in the system. If only_in_states is True, only return ModelGroups referenced by a State object; otherwise, also include ModelGroups referenced by an OrderedProcess or Ensemble.""" # todo: raise an error if a modelgroup is present in multiple states seen_model_groups = [] for state_group in self.state_groups: for state in state_group: for model_group in state: seen_model_groups.append(model_group) yield model_group for mssc in self._all_multi_state_scheme_connectivities(): for model_group in mssc.begin_state: if model_group not in seen_model_groups: seen_model_groups.append(model_group) yield model_group if mssc.end_state: for model_group in mssc.end_state: if model_group not in seen_model_groups: seen_model_groups.append(model_group) yield model_group if not only_in_states: for ensemble in self.ensembles: if ensemble.model_group: yield ensemble.model_group for ss in ensemble.subsamples: if ss.model_group: yield ss.model_group for proc in self.ordered_processes: for step in proc.steps: for edge in step: yield edge.group_begin yield edge.group_end def _all_representations(self): """Iterate over all Representations in the system. This includes all Representations referenced from other objects, plus any orphaned Representations. Duplicates are filtered out.""" return _remove_identical(itertools.chain( self.orphan_representations, (model.representation for group, model in self._all_models() if model.representation))) def _all_segments(self): for representation in self._all_representations(): for segment in representation: yield segment def _all_starting_models(self): """Iterate over all StartingModels in the system. This includes all StartingModels referenced from other objects, plus any orphaned StartingModels. Duplicates are filtered out.""" return _remove_identical(itertools.chain( self.orphan_starting_models, (segment.starting_model for segment in self._all_segments() if segment.starting_model))) def _all_protocols(self): """Iterate over all Protocols in the system. This includes all Protocols referenced from other objects, plus any orphaned Protocols. Duplicates are filtered out.""" return _remove_identical(itertools.chain( self.orphan_protocols, (model.protocol for group, model in self._all_models() if model.protocol))) def _all_protocol_steps(self): for protocol in self._all_protocols(): for step in protocol.steps: yield step def _all_analysis_steps(self): for protocol in self._all_protocols(): for analysis in protocol.analyses: for step in analysis.steps: yield step def _all_assemblies(self): """Iterate over all Assemblies in the system. This includes all Assemblies referenced from other objects, plus any orphaned Assemblies. Duplicates may be present.""" return itertools.chain( # Complete assembly is always first (self.complete_assembly,), self.orphan_assemblies, (model.assembly for group, model in self._all_models() if model.assembly), (step.assembly for step in self._all_protocol_steps() if step.assembly), (step.assembly for step in self._all_analysis_steps() if step.assembly), (restraint.assembly for restraint in self._all_restraints() if restraint.assembly)) def _all_dataset_groups(self): """Iterate over all DatasetGroups in the system. This includes all DatasetGroups referenced from other objects, plus any orphaned groups. Duplicates may be present.""" return itertools.chain( self.orphan_dataset_groups, (step.dataset_group for step in self._all_protocol_steps() if step.dataset_group), (step.dataset_group for step in self._all_analysis_steps() if step.dataset_group), (rt.dataset_group for rt in self._all_relaxation_times() if rt.dataset_group), (kr.dataset_group for kr in self._all_kinetic_rates() if kr.dataset_group), (mssc.dataset_group for mssc in self._all_multi_state_scheme_connectivities() if mssc.dataset_group)) def _all_templates(self): """Iterate over all Templates in the system.""" for startmodel in self._all_starting_models(): for template in startmodel.templates: yield template def _all_datasets_except_parents(self): """Iterate over all Datasets except those referenced only as the parent of another Dataset. Duplicates may be present.""" def _all_datasets_in_groups(): for dg in self._all_dataset_groups(): for d in dg: yield d return itertools.chain( self.orphan_datasets, _all_datasets_in_groups(), (sm.dataset for sm in self._all_starting_models() if sm.dataset), (restraint.dataset for restraint in self._all_restraints() if restraint.dataset), (template.dataset for template in self._all_templates() if template.dataset)) def _all_datasets(self): """Iterate over all Datasets in the system. This includes all Datasets referenced from other objects, plus any orphaned datasets. Duplicates may be present.""" def _all_datasets_and_parents(d): for p in d.parents: # Handle transformed datasets if hasattr(p, 'dataset'): pd = p.dataset else: pd = p for alld in _all_datasets_and_parents(pd): yield alld yield d for d in self._all_datasets_except_parents(): for alld in _all_datasets_and_parents(d): yield alld def _all_densities(self): for ensemble in self.ensembles: for density in ensemble.densities: yield density def _all_locations(self): """Iterate over all Locations in the system. This includes all Locations referenced from other objects, plus any referenced from the top-level system. Duplicates may be present.""" def _all_ensemble_locations(): for ensemble in self.ensembles: if ensemble.file: yield ensemble.file for ss in ensemble.subsamples: if ss.file: yield ss.file return itertools.chain( self.locations, (dataset.location for dataset in self._all_datasets() if hasattr(dataset, 'location') and dataset.location), _all_ensemble_locations(), (density.file for density in self._all_densities() if density.file), (sm.script_file for sm in self._all_starting_models() if sm.script_file), (template.alignment_file for template in self._all_templates() if template.alignment_file), (step.script_file for step in self._all_protocol_steps() if step.script_file), (step.script_file for step in self._all_analysis_steps() if step.script_file), (rt.external_file for rt in self._all_relaxation_times() if rt.external_file), (kr.external_file for kr in self._all_kinetic_rates() if kr.external_file)) def _all_geometric_objects(self): """Iterate over all GeometricObjects in the system. This includes all GeometricObjects referenced from other objects, plus any referenced from the top-level system. Duplicates may be present.""" return itertools.chain( self.orphan_geometric_objects, (restraint.geometric_object for restraint in self._all_restraints() if hasattr(restraint, 'geometric_object') and restraint.geometric_object)) def _all_features(self): """Iterate over all Features in the system. This includes all Features referenced from other objects, plus any referenced from the top-level system. Duplicates may be present.""" def _all_restraint_features(): for r in self._all_restraints(): if hasattr(r, '_all_features'): for feature in r._all_features: if feature: yield feature return itertools.chain(self.orphan_features, _all_restraint_features()) def _all_pseudo_sites(self): """Iterate over all PseudoSites in the system. This includes all PseudoSites referenced from other objects, plus any referenced from the top-level system. Duplicates may be present.""" def _all_restraint_sites(): for r in self._all_restraints(): if hasattr(r, 'cross_links'): for xl in r.cross_links: if xl.pseudo1: for x in xl.pseudo1: yield if xl.pseudo2: for x in xl.pseudo2: yield return itertools.chain(self.orphan_pseudo_sites, _all_restraint_sites(), ( for f in self._all_features() if hasattr(f, 'site') and def _all_software(self): """Iterate over all Software in the system. This includes all Software referenced from other objects, plus any referenced from the top-level system. Duplicates may be present.""" return (itertools.chain(, ( for sm in self._all_starting_models() if, ( for step in self._all_protocol_steps() if, ( for step in self._all_analysis_steps() if, ( for r in self._all_restraints() if hasattr(r, 'software') and def _all_citations(self): """Iterate over all Citations in the system. This includes all Citations referenced from other objects, plus any referenced from the top-level system. Duplicates are filtered out.""" return _remove_identical(itertools.chain( self.citations, (software.citation for software in self._all_software() if software.citation), (restraint.fitting_method_citation_id for restraint in self._all_restraints() if hasattr(restraint, 'fitting_method_citation_id') and restraint.fitting_method_citation_id))) def _all_entity_ranges(self): """Iterate over all Entity ranges in the system (these may be :class:`Entity`, :class:`AsymUnit`, :class:`EntityRange` or :class:`AsymUnitRange` objects). Note that we don't include self.entities or self.asym_units here, as we only want ranges that were actually used. Duplicates may be present.""" return (itertools.chain( (sm.asym_unit for sm in self._all_starting_models()), (seg.asym_unit for seg in self._all_segments()), (comp for a in self._all_assemblies() for comp in a), (comp for f in self._all_features() for comp in f._all_entities_or_asyms()), (d.asym_unit for d in self._all_densities()))) def _all_multi_state_schemes(self): for mss in self.multi_state_schemes: yield mss def _all_multi_state_scheme_connectivities(self): """Iterate over all multi-state scheme connectivities""" for mss in self.multi_state_schemes: for mssc in mss.get_connectivities(): yield mssc def _all_kinetic_rates(self): """Iterate over all kinetic rates within multi-state schemes""" return _remove_identical(itertools.chain( (mssc.kinetic_rate for mssc in self._all_multi_state_scheme_connectivities() if mssc.kinetic_rate), (c.kinetic_rate for f in self.flr_data for c in f.kinetic_rate_fret_analysis_connections if self.flr_data))) def _all_relaxation_times(self): """Iterate over all relaxation times. This includes relaxation times from :class:`ihm.multi_state_scheme.MultiStateScheme` and those assigned to connectivities in :class:`ihm.multi_state_scheme.Connectivity`""" seen_relaxation_times = [] for mss in self._all_multi_state_schemes(): for rt in mss.get_relaxation_times(): if rt in seen_relaxation_times: continue seen_relaxation_times.append(rt) yield rt for mssc in self._all_multi_state_scheme_connectivities(): if mssc.relaxation_time: rt = mssc.relaxation_time if rt in seen_relaxation_times: continue seen_relaxation_times.append(rt) yield rt # Get the relaxation times from the # flr.RelaxationTimeFRETAnalysisConnection objects if self.flr_data: for f in self.flr_data: for c in f.relaxation_time_fret_analysis_connections: rt = c.relaxation_time if rt in seen_relaxation_times: continue seen_relaxation_times.append(rt) yield rt def _before_write(self): """Do any setup necessary before writing out to a file""" # Here, we initialize all RestraintGroups by removing any assigned ID for g in self.restraint_groups: util._remove_id(g) # Fill in complete assembly self._make_complete_assembly() def _check_after_write(self): """Make sure everything was successfully written""" # Here, we check that all RestraintGroups were successfully dumped""" for g in self.restraint_groups: if len(g) > 0 and not hasattr(g, '_id'): raise TypeError( "RestraintGroup(%s) contains an unsupported combination " "of Restraints. Due to limitations of the underlying " "dictionary, all objects in a RestraintGroup must be of " "the same type, and only certain types (currently only " "DerivedDistanceRestraint or PredictedContactRestraint) " "can be grouped." % g)
[docs] class Software(object): """Software used as part of the modeling protocol. :param str name: The name of the software. :param str classification: The major function of the software, for example 'model building', 'sample preparation', 'data collection'. :param str description: A longer text description of the software. :param str location: Place where the software can be found (e.g. URL). :param str type: Type of software (program/package/library/other). :param str version: The version used. :param citation: Publication describing the software. :type citation: :class:`Citation` Generally these objects are added to :attr:`` or passed to :class:`ihm.startmodel.StartingModel`, :class:`ihm.protocol.Step`, :class:`ihm.analysis.Step`, or :class:`ihm.restraint.PredictedContactRestraint` objects. """ def __init__(self, name, classification, description, location, type='program', version=None, citation=None): = name self.classification = classification self.description = description self.location = location self.type = type self.version = version self.citation = citation def __str__(self): return "<ihm.Software(%s)>" % repr( # Software compares equal if the names and versions are the same def _eq_vals(self): return (, self.version) def __eq__(self, other): return self._eq_vals() == other._eq_vals() def __hash__(self): return hash(self._eq_vals())
[docs] class Grant(object): """Information on funding support for the modeling. See :attr:`System.grants`. :param str funding_organization: The name of the organization providing the funding, e.g. "National Institutes of Health". :param str country: The country that hosts the funding organization, e.g. "United States". :param str grant_number: Identifying information for the grant, e.g. "1R01GM072999-01". """ def __init__(self, funding_organization, country, grant_number): self.funding_organization = funding_organization = country self.grant_number = grant_number
[docs] class Citation(object): """A publication that describes the modeling. Generally citations are added to :attr:`System.citations` or passed to :class:`ihm.Software` or :class:`ihm.restraint.EM3DRestraint` objects. :param str pmid: The PubMed ID. :param str title: Full title of the publication. :param str journal: Abbreviated journal name. :param volume: Journal volume as int for a plain number or str for journals adding a label to the number (e.g. "46(W1)" for a web server issue). :param page_range: The page (int) or page range (as a 2-element int tuple). Using str also works for labelled page numbers. :param int year: Year of publication. :param authors: All authors in order, as a list of strings (last name followed by initials, e.g. "Smith, A.J."). :param str doi: Digital Object Identifier of the publication. :param bool is_primary: Denotes the most pertinent publication for the modeling itself (as opposed to a method or piece of software used in the protocol). Only one such publication is allowed, and it is assigned the ID "primary" in the mmCIF file. """ def __init__(self, pmid, title, journal, volume, page_range, year, authors, doi, is_primary=False): self.title, self.journal, self.volume = title, journal, volume self.page_range, self.year = page_range, year self.pmid, self.doi = pmid, doi self.authors = authors if authors is not None else [] self.is_primary = is_primary
[docs] @classmethod def from_pubmed_id(cls, pubmed_id): """Create a Citation from just a PubMed ID. This is done by querying NCBI's web API, so requires network access. :param int pubmed_id: The PubMed identifier. :return: A new Citation for the given identifier. :rtype: :class:`Citation` """ def get_doi(ref): for art_id in ref['articleids']: if art_id['idtype'] == 'doi': return enc(art_id['value']) def get_page_range(ref): rng = enc(ref['pages']).split('-') if len(rng) == 2 and len(rng[1]) < len(rng[0]): # map ranges like "2730-43" to 2730,2743 not 2730, 43 rng[1] = rng[0][:len(rng[0]) - len(rng[1])] + rng[1] # Handle one page or empty page range if len(rng) == 1: rng = rng[0] if rng == '': rng = None return rng # JSON values are always Unicode, but on Python 2 we want non-Unicode # strings, so convert to ASCII if sys.version_info[0] < 3: # pragma: no cover def enc(s): return s.encode('ascii') else: def enc(s): return s url = ('' '?db=pubmed&retmode=json&rettype=abstract&id=%s' % pubmed_id) fh = urllib2.urlopen(url) j = json.load(fh) fh.close() ref = j['result'][str(pubmed_id)] authors = [enc(x['name']) for x in ref['authors'] if x['authtype'] == 'Author'] # PubMed authors are usually of the form "Lastname AB" but PDB uses # "Lastname, A.B." so map one to the other if possible r = re.compile(r'(^\w+.*?)\s+(\w+)$') def auth_sub(m): return + ", " + "".join(initial + "." for initial in authors = [r.sub(auth_sub, auth) for auth in authors] return cls(pmid=pubmed_id, title=enc(ref['title']), journal=enc(ref['source']), volume=enc(ref['volume']) or None, page_range=get_page_range(ref), year=enc(ref['pubdate']).split()[0], authors=authors, doi=get_doi(ref))
[docs] class ChemComp(object): """A chemical component from which :class:`Entity` objects are constructed. Usually these are amino acids (see :class:`LPeptideChemComp`) or nucleic acids (see :class:`DNAChemComp` and :class:`RNAChemComp`), but non-polymers such as ligands or water (see :class:`NonPolymerChemComp` and :class:`WaterChemComp`) and saccharides (see :class:`SaccharideChemComp`) are also supported. For standard amino and nucleic acids, it is generally easier to use a :class:`Alphabet` and refer to the components with their one-letter (amino acids, RNA) or two-letter (DNA) codes. :param str id: A globally unique identifier for this component (usually three letters). :param str code: A shorter identifier (usually one letter) that only needs to be unique in the entity. :param str code_canonical: Canonical version of `code` (which need not be unique). :param str name: A longer human-readable name for the component. :param str formula: The chemical formula. This is a space-separated list of the element symbols in the component, each followed by an optional count (if omitted, 1 is assumed). The formula is terminated with the formal charge (if not zero). The element list should be sorted alphabetically, unless carbon is present, in which case C and H precede the rest of the elements. For example, water would be "H2 O" and arginine (with +1 formal charge) "C6 H15 N4 O2 1". :param str ccd: The chemical component dictionary (CCD) where this component is defined. Can be "core" for the wwPDB CCD (, "ma" for the ModelArchive CCD, or "local" for a novel component that is defined in the mmCIF file itself. If unspecified, defaults to "core" unless ``descriptors`` is given in which case it defaults to "local". This information is essentially ignored by python-ihm (since the IHM dictionary has no support for custom CCDs) but is used by python-modelcif. :param list descriptors: When ``ccd`` is "local", this can be one or more descriptor objects that describe the chemistry. python-ihm does not define any, but python-modelcif does. For example, glycine would have ``id='GLY', code='G', code_canonical='G'`` while selenomethionine would use ``id='MSE', code='MSE', code_canonical='M'``, guanosine (RNA) ``id='G', code='G', code_canonical='G'``, and deoxyguanosine (DNA) ``id='DG', code='DG', code_canonical='G'``. """ type = 'other' _element_mass = {'H': 1.008, 'C': 12.011, 'N': 14.007, 'O': 15.999, 'P': 30.974, 'S': 32.060, 'Se': 78.971, 'Fe': 55.845, 'Ac': 227.028, 'Ag': 107.868, 'Al': 26.982, 'Ar': 39.948, 'As': 74.922, 'Au': 196.966, 'B': 10.81, 'Ba': 137.327, 'Be': 9.012, 'Bi': 208.98, 'Br': 79.904, 'Ca': 40.078, 'Cd': 112.414, 'Ce': 140.116, 'Cl': 35.453, 'Co': 58.933, 'Cr': 51.996, 'Cs': 132.905, 'Cu': 63.546, 'Dy': 162.5, 'Er': 167.259, 'Eu': 151.964, 'F': 18.998, 'Ga': 69.723, 'Gd': 157.25, 'Ge': 72.53, 'He': 4.003, 'Hf': 178.486, 'Hg': 200.592, 'Ho': 164.93, 'I': 126.904, 'In': 114.818, 'Ir': 192.217, 'K': 39.098, 'Kr': 83.798, 'La': 138.905, 'Li': 6.938, 'Lu': 174.967, 'Mg': 24.305, 'Mn': 54.938, 'Mo': 95.95, 'Na': 22.99, 'Nb': 92.906, 'Nd': 144.242, 'Ne': 20.180, 'Ni': 58.693, 'Np': 237.0, 'Os': 190.23, 'Pa': 231.036, 'Pb': 207.2, 'Pd': 106.42, 'Pr': 140.908, 'Pt': 195.084, 'Ra': 226.025, 'Rb': 85.468, 'Re': 186.207, 'Rh': 102.906, 'Ru': 101.07, 'Sb': 121.760, 'Sc': 44.956, 'Si': 28.086, 'Sm': 150.36, 'Sn': 118.710, 'Sr': 87.62, 'Ta': 180.948, 'Tb': 158.925, 'Te': 127.6, 'Th': 232.038, 'Ti': 47.867, 'Tl': 204.383, 'Tm': 168.934, 'U': 238.029, 'V': 50.942, 'W': 183.84, 'Xe': 131.293, 'Y': 88.906, 'Yb': 173.045, 'Zn': 65.38, 'Zr': 91.224} def __init__(self, id, code, code_canonical, name=None, formula=None, ccd=None, descriptors=None): = id self.code, self.code_canonical, = code, code_canonical, name self.formula = formula self.ccd, self.descriptors = ccd, descriptors def __str__(self): return ('<%s.%s(%s)>' % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, def __get_weight(self): # Calculate weight from formula if self.formula in (None, unknown): return spl = self.formula.split() # Remove formal charge if present if len(spl) > 0 and spl[-1].isdigit(): del spl[-1] r = re.compile(r'(\D+)(\d*)$') weight = 0. for s in spl: m = r.match(s) if m is None: raise ValueError("Bad formula fragment: %s" % s) emass = self._element_mass.get(, None) if emass: weight += emass * (int( if else 1) elif != 'X': # If element is unknown, weight is unknown too # Element 'X' is used for GLX/ASX and has zero weight return None return weight formula_weight = property( __get_weight, doc="Formula weight (dalton). This is calculated automatically from " "the chemical formula and known atomic masses.") # Equal if all identifiers are the same def __eq__(self, other): return ((self.code, self.code_canonical,, self.type) == (other.code, other.code_canonical,, other.type)) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.code, self.code_canonical,, self.type))
[docs] class PeptideChemComp(ChemComp): """A single peptide component. Usually :class:`LPeptideChemComp` is used instead (except for glycine) to specify chirality. See :class:`ChemComp` for a description of the parameters.""" type = 'peptide linking'
[docs] class LPeptideChemComp(PeptideChemComp): """A single peptide component with (normal) L- chirality. See :class:`ChemComp` for a description of the parameters.""" type = 'L-peptide linking'
[docs] class DPeptideChemComp(PeptideChemComp): """A single peptide component with (unusual) D- chirality. See :class:`ChemComp` for a description of the parameters.""" type = 'D-peptide linking'
[docs] class DNAChemComp(ChemComp): """A single DNA component. See :class:`ChemComp` for a description of the parameters.""" type = 'DNA linking'
[docs] class RNAChemComp(ChemComp): """A single RNA component. See :class:`ChemComp` for a description of the parameters.""" type = 'RNA linking'
[docs] class SaccharideChemComp(ChemComp): """A saccharide chemical component. Usually a subclass that specifies the chirality and linkage (e.g. :class:`LSaccharideBetaChemComp`) is used. :param str id: A globally unique identifier for this component. :param str name: A longer human-readable name for the component. :param str formula: The chemical formula. See :class:`ChemComp` for more details. :param str ccd: The chemical component dictionary (CCD) where this component is defined. See :class:`ChemComp` for more details. :param list descriptors: Information on the component's chemistry. See :class:`ChemComp` for more details. """ type = "saccharide" def __init__(self, id, name=None, formula=None, ccd=None, descriptors=None): super(SaccharideChemComp, self).__init__( id, id, id, name=name, formula=formula, ccd=ccd, descriptors=descriptors)
[docs] class LSaccharideChemComp(SaccharideChemComp): """A single saccharide component with L-chirality and unspecified linkage. See :class:`SaccharideChemComp` for a description of the parameters.""" type = "L-saccharide"
[docs] class LSaccharideAlphaChemComp(LSaccharideChemComp): """A single saccharide component with L-chirality and alpha linkage. See :class:`SaccharideChemComp` for a description of the parameters.""" type = "L-saccharide, alpha linking"
[docs] class LSaccharideBetaChemComp(LSaccharideChemComp): """A single saccharide component with L-chirality and beta linkage. See :class:`SaccharideChemComp` for a description of the parameters.""" type = "L-saccharide, beta linking"
[docs] class DSaccharideChemComp(SaccharideChemComp): """A single saccharide component with D-chirality and unspecified linkage. See :class:`SaccharideChemComp` for a description of the parameters.""" type = "D-saccharide"
[docs] class DSaccharideAlphaChemComp(DSaccharideChemComp): """A single saccharide component with D-chirality and alpha linkage. See :class:`SaccharideChemComp` for a description of the parameters.""" type = "D-saccharide, alpha linking"
[docs] class DSaccharideBetaChemComp(DSaccharideChemComp): """A single saccharide component with D-chirality and beta linkage. See :class:`SaccharideChemComp` for a description of the parameters.""" type = "D-saccharide, beta linking"
[docs] class NonPolymerChemComp(ChemComp): """A non-polymer chemical component, such as a ligand or a non-standard residue (for crystal waters, use :class:`WaterChemComp`). :param str id: A globally unique identifier for this component. :param str code_canonical: Canonical one-letter identifier. This is used for non-standard residues and should be the one-letter code of the closest standard residue (or by default, 'X'). :param str name: A longer human-readable name for the component. :param str formula: The chemical formula. See :class:`ChemComp` for more details. :param str ccd: The chemical component dictionary (CCD) where this component is defined. See :class:`ChemComp` for more details. :param list descriptors: Information on the component's chemistry. See :class:`ChemComp` for more details. """ type = "non-polymer" def __init__(self, id, code_canonical='X', name=None, formula=None, ccd=None, descriptors=None): super(NonPolymerChemComp, self).__init__( id, id, code_canonical, name=name, formula=formula, ccd=ccd, descriptors=descriptors)
[docs] class WaterChemComp(NonPolymerChemComp): """The chemical component for crystal water. """ def __init__(self): super(WaterChemComp, self).__init__('HOH', name='WATER', formula="H2 O")
[docs] class Alphabet(object): """A mapping from codes (usually one-letter, or two-letter for DNA) to chemical components. These classes can be used to construct sequences of components when creating an :class:`Entity`. They can also be used like a Python dict to get standard components, e.g.:: a = ihm.LPeptideAlphabet() met = a['M'] gly = a['G'] See :class:`LPeptideAlphabet`, :class:`RNAAlphabet`, :class:`DNAAlphabet`. """ def __getitem__(self, key): return self._comps[key] def __contains__(self, key): return key in self._comps keys = property(lambda self: self._comps.keys()) values = property(lambda self: self._comps.values()) items = property(lambda self: self._comps.items())
[docs] class LPeptideAlphabet(Alphabet): """A mapping from one-letter amino acid codes (e.g. H, M) to L-amino acids (as :class:`LPeptideChemComp` objects, except for achiral glycine which maps to :class:`PeptideChemComp`). Some other common modified residues are also included (e.g. MSE). For these their full name rather than a one-letter code is used. """ _comps = dict([code, LPeptideChemComp(id, code, code, name, formula)] for code, id, name, formula in [ ('A', 'ALA', 'ALANINE', 'C3 H7 N O2'), ('C', 'CYS', 'CYSTEINE', 'C3 H7 N O2 S'), ('D', 'ASP', 'ASPARTIC ACID', 'C4 H7 N O4'), ('E', 'GLU', 'GLUTAMIC ACID', 'C5 H9 N O4'), ('F', 'PHE', 'PHENYLALANINE', 'C9 H11 N O2'), ('H', 'HIS', 'HISTIDINE', 'C6 H10 N3 O2 1'), ('I', 'ILE', 'ISOLEUCINE', 'C6 H13 N O2'), ('K', 'LYS', 'LYSINE', 'C6 H15 N2 O2 1'), ('L', 'LEU', 'LEUCINE', 'C6 H13 N O2'), ('M', 'MET', 'METHIONINE', 'C5 H11 N O2 S'), ('N', 'ASN', 'ASPARAGINE', 'C4 H8 N2 O3'), ('P', 'PRO', 'PROLINE', 'C5 H9 N O2'), ('Q', 'GLN', 'GLUTAMINE', 'C5 H10 N2 O3'), ('R', 'ARG', 'ARGININE', 'C6 H15 N4 O2 1'), ('S', 'SER', 'SERINE', 'C3 H7 N O3'), ('T', 'THR', 'THREONINE', 'C4 H9 N O3'), ('V', 'VAL', 'VALINE', 'C5 H11 N O2'), ('W', 'TRP', 'TRYPTOPHAN', 'C11 H12 N2 O2'), ('Y', 'TYR', 'TYROSINE', 'C9 H11 N O3'), ('B', 'ASX', 'ASP/ASN AMBIGUOUS', 'C4 H6 N O2 X2'), ('Z', 'GLX', 'GLU/GLN AMBIGUOUS', 'C5 H8 N O2 X2'), ('U', 'SEC', 'SELENOCYSTEINE', 'C3 H7 N O2 Se')]) _comps['G'] = PeptideChemComp('GLY', 'G', 'G', name='GLYCINE', formula="C2 H5 N O2") # common non-standard L-amino acids _comps.update([id, LPeptideChemComp(id, id, canon, name, formula)] for id, canon, name, formula in [ ('MSE', 'M', 'SELENOMETHIONINE', 'C5 H11 N O2 Se'), ('UNK', 'X', 'UNKNOWN', 'C4 H9 N O2')])
[docs] class DPeptideAlphabet(Alphabet): """A mapping from D-amino acid codes (e.g. DHI, MED) to D-amino acids (as :class:`DPeptideChemComp` objects, except for achiral glycine which maps to :class:`PeptideChemComp`). See :class:`LPeptideAlphabet` for more details. """ _comps = dict([code, DPeptideChemComp(code, code, canon, name, formula)] for canon, code, name, formula in [ ('A', 'DAL', 'D-ALANINE', 'C3 H7 N O2'), ('C', 'DCY', 'D-CYSTEINE', 'C3 H7 N O2 S'), ('D', 'DAS', 'D-ASPARTIC ACID', 'C4 H7 N O4'), ('E', 'DGL', 'D-GLUTAMIC ACID', 'C5 H9 N O4'), ('F', 'DPN', 'D-PHENYLALANINE', 'C9 H11 N O2'), ('H', 'DHI', 'D-HISTIDINE', 'C6 H10 N3 O2 1'), ('I', 'DIL', 'D-ISOLEUCINE', 'C6 H13 N O2'), ('K', 'DLY', 'D-LYSINE', 'C6 H14 N2 O2'), ('L', 'DLE', 'D-LEUCINE', 'C6 H13 N O2'), ('M', 'MED', 'D-METHIONINE', 'C5 H11 N O2 S'), ('N', 'DSG', 'D-ASPARAGINE', 'C4 H8 N2 O3'), ('P', 'DPR', 'D-PROLINE', 'C5 H9 N O2'), ('Q', 'DGN', 'D-GLUTAMINE', 'C5 H10 N2 O3'), ('R', 'DAR', 'D-ARGININE', 'C6 H15 N4 O2 1'), ('S', 'DSN', 'D-SERINE', 'C3 H7 N O3'), ('T', 'DTH', 'D-THREONINE', 'C4 H9 N O3'), ('V', 'DVA', 'D-VALINE', 'C5 H11 N O2'), ('W', 'DTR', 'D-TRYPTOPHAN', 'C11 H12 N2 O2'), ('Y', 'DTY', 'D-TYROSINE', 'C9 H11 N O3')]) _comps['G'] = PeptideChemComp('GLY', 'G', 'G', name='GLYCINE', formula="C2 H5 N O2")
[docs] class RNAAlphabet(Alphabet): """A mapping from one-letter nucleic acid codes (e.g. A) to RNA (as :class:`RNAChemComp` objects).""" _comps = dict([id, RNAChemComp(id, id, id, name, formula)] for id, name, formula in [ ('A', "ADENOSINE-5'-MONOPHOSPHATE", 'C10 H14 N5 O7 P'), ('C', "CYTIDINE-5'-MONOPHOSPHATE", 'C9 H14 N3 O8 P'), ('G', "GUANOSINE-5'-MONOPHOSPHATE", 'C10 H14 N5 O8 P'), ('U', "URIDINE-5'-MONOPHOSPHATE", 'C9 H13 N2 O9 P')])
[docs] class DNAAlphabet(Alphabet): """A mapping from two-letter nucleic acid codes (e.g. DA) to DNA (as :class:`DNAChemComp` objects).""" _comps = dict([code, DNAChemComp(code, code, canon, name, formula)] for code, canon, name, formula in [ ('DA', 'A', "2'-DEOXYADENOSINE-5'-MONOPHOSPHATE", 'C10 H14 N5 O6 P'), ('DC', 'C', "2'-DEOXYCYTIDINE-5'-MONOPHOSPHATE", 'C9 H14 N3 O7 P'), ('DG', 'G', "2'-DEOXYGUANOSINE-5'-MONOPHOSPHATE", 'C10 H14 N5 O7 P'), ('DT', 'T', "THYMIDINE-5'-MONOPHOSPHATE", 'C10 H15 N2 O8 P')])
[docs] class EntityRange(object): """Part of an entity. Usually these objects are created from an :class:`Entity`, e.g. to get a range covering residues 4 through 7 in `entity` use:: entity = ihm.Entity(sequence=...) rng = entity(4,7) """ def __init__(self, entity, seq_id_begin, seq_id_end): if not entity.is_polymeric(): raise TypeError("Can only create ranges for polymeric entities") self.entity = entity # todo: check range for validity (at property read time) self.seq_id_range = (seq_id_begin, seq_id_end) def __eq__(self, other): try: return (self.entity is other.entity and self.seq_id_range == other.seq_id_range) except AttributeError: return False def __hash__(self): return hash((id(self.entity), self.seq_id_range)) # Use same ID as the original entity _id = property(lambda self: self.entity._id)
[docs] class Atom(object): """A single atom in an entity or asymmetric unit. Usually these objects are created by calling :meth:`Residue.atom`. Note that this class does not store atomic coordinates of a given atom in a given model; for that, see :class:`ihm.model.Atom`. """ __slots__ = ['residue', 'id'] def __init__(self, residue, id): self.residue, = residue, id entity = property(lambda self: self.residue.entity) asym = property(lambda self: self.residue.asym) seq_id = property(lambda self: self.residue.seq_id)
[docs] class Residue(object): """A single residue in an entity or asymmetric unit. Usually these objects are created by calling :meth:`Entity.residue` or :meth:`AsymUnit.residue`. """ __slots__ = ['entity', 'asym', 'seq_id', '_range_id'] def __init__(self, seq_id, entity=None, asym=None): self.entity = entity self.asym = asym if entity is None and asym: self.entity = asym.entity # todo: check id for validity (at property read time) self.seq_id = seq_id
[docs] def atom(self, atom_id): """Get a :class:`Atom` in this residue with the given name.""" return Atom(residue=self, id=atom_id)
def _get_auth_seq_id(self): return self.asym._get_auth_seq_id_ins_code(self.seq_id)[0] auth_seq_id = property(_get_auth_seq_id, doc="Author-provided seq_id; only makes sense " "for asymmetric units") def _get_ins_code(self): return self.asym._get_auth_seq_id_ins_code(self.seq_id)[1] ins_code = property(_get_ins_code, doc="Insertion code; only makes sense " "for asymmetric units") def _get_comp(self): return self.entity.sequence[self.seq_id - 1] comp = property(_get_comp, doc="Chemical component (residue type)") # Allow passing residues where a range is requested # (e.g. to ResidueFeature) seq_id_range = property(lambda self: (self.seq_id, self.seq_id))
[docs] class Entity(object): """Represent a CIF entity (with a unique sequence) :param sequence sequence: The primary sequence, as a sequence of :class:`ChemComp` objects, and/or codes looked up in `alphabet`. :param alphabet: The mapping from code to chemical components to use (it is not necessary to instantiate this class). :type alphabet: :class:`Alphabet` :param str description: A short text name for the sequence. :param str details: Longer text describing the sequence. :param source: The method by which the sample for this entity was produced. :type source: :class:`ihm.source.Source` :param references: Information about this entity stored in external databases (for example the sequence in UniProt) :type references: sequence of :class:`ihm.reference.Reference` objects The sequence for an entity can be specified explicitly as a list of chemical components, or (more usually) as a list or string of codes, or a mixture of both. For example:: # Construct with a string of one-letter amino acid codes protein = ihm.Entity('AHMD') # Some less common amino acids (e.g. MSE) have three-letter codes protein_with_mse = ihm.Entity(['A', 'H', 'MSE', 'D']) # Can use a non-default alphabet to make DNA or RNA sequences dna = ihm.Entity(('DA', 'DC'), alphabet=ihm.DNAAlphabet) rna = ihm.Entity('AC', alphabet=ihm.RNAAlphabet) # Can pass explicit ChemComp objects by looking them up in Alphabets dna_al = ihm.DNAAlphabet() rna_al = ihm.RNAAlphabet() dna_rna_hybrid = ihm.Entity((dna_al['DG'], rna_al['C'])) # For unusual components (e.g. modified residues or ligands), # new ChemComp objects can be constructed psu = ihm.RNAChemComp(id='PSU', code='PSU', code_canonical='U', name="PSEUDOURIDINE-5'-MONOPHOSPHATE", formula='C9 H13 N2 O9 P') rna_with_psu = ihm.Entity(('A', 'C', psu), alphabet=ihm.RNAAlphabet) For more examples, see the `ligands and water example <>`_. All entities should be stored in the top-level System object; see :attr:`System.entities`. """ # noqa: E501 _force_polymer = None _hint_branched = None def __get_type(self): if self.is_polymeric(): return 'polymer' elif self.is_branched(): return 'branched' else: return 'water' if self.sequence[0].code == 'HOH' else 'non-polymer' type = property(__get_type) def __get_src_method(self): if self.source: return self.source.src_method elif self.type == 'water': return 'nat' else: return 'man' def __set_src_method(self, val): raise TypeError("src_method is read-only; assign an appropriate " "subclass of ihm.source.Source to source instead") src_method = property(__get_src_method, __set_src_method) def __get_weight(self): weight = 0. for s in self.sequence: w = s.formula_weight # If any component's weight is unknown, the total is too if w: weight += w else: return None return weight formula_weight = property( __get_weight, doc="Formula weight (dalton). This is calculated automatically " "from that of the chemical components.") def __init__(self, sequence, alphabet=LPeptideAlphabet, description=None, details=None, source=None, references=[]): def get_chem_comp(s): if isinstance(s, ChemComp): return s else: return alphabet._comps[s] self.sequence = tuple(get_chem_comp(s) for s in sequence) self.description, self.details = description, details self.source = source self.references = [] self.references.extend(references) #: String descriptors of branched chemical structure. #: These generally only make sense for oligosaccharide entities, #: and should be a list of :class:`BranchDescriptor` objects. self.branch_descriptors = [] #: Any links between components in a branched entity. #: This is a list of :class:`BranchLink` objects. self.branch_links = [] def __str__(self): return "<ihm.Entity(%s)>" % self.description
[docs] def is_polymeric(self): """Return True iff this entity represents a polymer, such as an amino acid sequence or DNA/RNA chain (and not a ligand or water)""" return (self._force_polymer or (len(self.sequence) == 0 and not self._hint_branched) or len(self.sequence) > 1 and any(isinstance(x, (PeptideChemComp, DNAChemComp, RNAChemComp)) for x in self.sequence))
[docs] def is_branched(self): """Return True iff this entity is branched (generally an oligosaccharide)""" return ((len(self.sequence) > 1 and isinstance(self.sequence[0], SaccharideChemComp)) or (len(self.sequence) == 0 and self._hint_branched))
[docs] def residue(self, seq_id): """Get a :class:`Residue` at the given sequence position""" return Residue(entity=self, seq_id=seq_id)
# Entities are considered identical if they have the same sequence, # unless they are branched def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Entity): return False if self.is_branched() or other.is_branched(): return self is other else: return self.sequence == other.sequence def __hash__(self): if self.is_branched(): return hash(id(self)) else: return hash(self.sequence) def __call__(self, seq_id_begin, seq_id_end): return EntityRange(self, seq_id_begin, seq_id_end) def __get_seq_id_range(self): if self.is_polymeric() or self.is_branched(): return (1, len(self.sequence)) else: # Nonpolymers don't have the concept of seq_id return (None, None) seq_id_range = property(__get_seq_id_range, doc="Sequence range")
[docs] class AsymUnitRange(object): """Part of an asymmetric unit. Usually these objects are created from an :class:`AsymUnit`, e.g. to get a range covering residues 4 through 7 in `asym` use:: asym = ihm.AsymUnit(entity) rng = asym(4,7) """ def __init__(self, asym, seq_id_begin, seq_id_end): if asym.entity is not None and not asym.entity.is_polymeric(): raise TypeError("Can only create ranges for polymeric entities") self.asym = asym # todo: check range for validity (at property read time) self.seq_id_range = (seq_id_begin, seq_id_end) def __eq__(self, other): try: return (self.asym is other.asym and self.seq_id_range == other.seq_id_range) except AttributeError: return False def __hash__(self): return hash((id(self.asym), self.seq_id_range)) # Use same ID and entity as the original asym unit _id = property(lambda self: self.asym._id) _ordinal = property(lambda self: self.asym._ordinal) entity = property(lambda self: self.asym.entity) details = property(lambda self: self.asym.details)
class AsymUnitSegment(object): """An aligned part of an asymmetric unit. Usually these objects are created from an :class:`AsymUnit`, e.g. to get a segment covering residues 1 through 3 in `asym` use:: asym = ihm.AsymUnit(entity) seg = asym.segment('--ACG', 1, 3) """ def __init__(self, asym, gapped_sequence, seq_id_begin, seq_id_end): self.asym = asym self.gapped_sequence = gapped_sequence self.seq_id_range = (seq_id_begin, seq_id_end)
[docs] class AsymUnit(object): """An asymmetric unit, i.e. a unique instance of an Entity that was modeled. Note that this class should not be used to describe crystal waters; for that, see :class:`WaterAsymUnit`. :param entity: The unique sequence of this asymmetric unit. :type entity: :class:`Entity` :param str details: Longer text description of this unit. :param auth_seq_id_map: Mapping from internal 1-based consecutive residue numbering (`seq_id`) to PDB "author-provided" numbering (`auth_seq_id` plus an optional `ins_code`). This can be either be an int offset, in which case ``auth_seq_id = seq_id + auth_seq_id_map`` with no insertion codes, or a mapping type (dict, list, tuple) in which case ``auth_seq_id = auth_seq_id_map[seq_id]`` with no insertion codes, or ``auth_seq_id, ins_code = auth_seq_id_map[seq_id]`` - i.e. the output of the mapping is either the author-provided number, or a 2-element tuple containing that number and an insertion code. (Note that if a `list` or `tuple` is used for the mapping, the first element in the list or tuple does **not** correspond to the first residue and will never be used - since `seq_id` can never be zero.) The default if not specified, or not in the mapping, is for ``auth_seq_id == seq_id`` and for no insertion codes to be used. :param str id: User-specified ID (usually a string of one or more upper-case letters, e.g. A, B, C, AA). If not specified, IDs are automatically assigned alphabetically. :param str strand_id: PDB or "author-provided" strand/chain ID. If not specified, it will be the same as the regular ID. :param orig_auth_seq_id_map: Mapping from internal 1-based consecutive residue numbering (`seq_id`) to original "author-provided" numbering. This differs from `auth_seq_id_map` as the original numbering need not follow any defined scheme, while `auth_seq_id_map` must follow certain PDB-defined rules. This can be any mapping type (dict, list, tuple) in which case ``orig_auth_seq_id = orig_auth_seq_id_map[seq_id]``. If the mapping is None (the default), or a given `seq_id` cannot be found in the mapping, ``orig_auth_seq_id = auth_seq_id``. This mapping is only used in the various `scheme` tables, such as ``pdbx_poly_seq_scheme``. See :attr:`System.asym_units`. """ number_of_molecules = 1 def __init__(self, entity, details=None, auth_seq_id_map=0, id=None, strand_id=None, orig_auth_seq_id_map=None): if (entity is not None and entity.type == 'water' and not isinstance(self, WaterAsymUnit)): raise TypeError("Use WaterAsymUnit instead for creating waters") self.entity, self.details = entity, details self.auth_seq_id_map = auth_seq_id_map self.orig_auth_seq_id_map = orig_auth_seq_id_map = id self._strand_id = strand_id #: For branched entities read from files, mapping from provisional #: to final internal numbering (`seq_id`), or None if no mapping is #: necessary. See :meth:`ihm.model.Model.add_atom`. self.num_map = None def _get_auth_seq_id_ins_code(self, seq_id): if isinstance(self.auth_seq_id_map, int): return seq_id + self.auth_seq_id_map, None else: try: ret = self.auth_seq_id_map[seq_id] if isinstance(ret, (int, str)): return ret, None else: return ret except (KeyError, IndexError): return seq_id, None def _get_pdb_auth_seq_id_ins_code(self, seq_id): pdb_seq_num, ins_code = self._get_auth_seq_id_ins_code(seq_id) if self.orig_auth_seq_id_map is None: auth_seq_num = pdb_seq_num else: auth_seq_num = self.orig_auth_seq_id_map.get(seq_id, pdb_seq_num) return pdb_seq_num, auth_seq_num, ins_code def __call__(self, seq_id_begin, seq_id_end): return AsymUnitRange(self, seq_id_begin, seq_id_end)
[docs] def residue(self, seq_id): """Get a :class:`Residue` at the given sequence position""" return Residue(asym=self, seq_id=seq_id)
[docs] def segment(self, gapped_sequence, seq_id_begin, seq_id_end): """Get an object representing the alignment of part of this sequence. :param str gapped_sequence: Sequence of the segment, including gaps. :param int seq_id_begin: Start of the segment. :param int seq_id_end: End of the segment. """ # todo: cache so we return the same object for same parameters return AsymUnitSegment(self, gapped_sequence, seq_id_begin, seq_id_end)
seq_id_range = property(lambda self: self.entity.seq_id_range, doc="Sequence range") sequence = property(lambda self: self.entity.sequence, doc="Primary sequence") strand_id = property(lambda self: self._strand_id or self._id, doc="PDB or author-provided strand/chain ID")
[docs] class WaterAsymUnit(AsymUnit): """A collection of crystal waters, all with the same "chain" ID. :param int number: The number of water molecules in this unit. For more information on this class and the rest of the parameters, see :class:`AsymUnit`. """ def __init__(self, entity, number, details=None, auth_seq_id_map=0, id=None, strand_id=None, orig_auth_seq_id_map=None): if entity.type != 'water': raise TypeError( "WaterAsymUnit can only be used for water entities") super(WaterAsymUnit, self).__init__( entity, details=details, auth_seq_id_map=auth_seq_id_map, id=id, strand_id=strand_id, orig_auth_seq_id_map=orig_auth_seq_id_map) self.number = number self._water_sequence = [entity.sequence[0]] * number seq_id_range = property(lambda self: (1, self.number), doc="Sequence range") sequence = property(lambda self: self._water_sequence, doc="Primary sequence") number_of_molecules = property(lambda self: self.number, doc="Number of molecules")
[docs] class Assembly(list): """A collection of parts of the system that were modeled or probed together. :param sequence elements: Initial set of parts of the system. :param str name: Short text name of this assembly. :param str description: Longer text that describes this assembly. This is implemented as a simple list of asymmetric units (or parts of them), i.e. a list of :class:`AsymUnit` and/or :class:`AsymUnitRange` objects. An Assembly is typically assigned to one or more of - :class:`~ihm.model.Model` - :class:`ihm.protocol.Step` - :class:`ihm.analysis.Step` - :class:`~ihm.restraint.Restraint` See also :attr:`System.complete_assembly` and :attr:`System.orphan_assemblies`. Note that any duplicate assemblies will be pruned on output.""" #: :class:`Assembly` that is the immediate parent in a hierarchy, or `None` parent = None def __init__(self, elements=(), name=None, description=None): super(Assembly, self).__init__(elements), self.description = name, description
[docs] class ChemDescriptor(object): """Description of a non-polymeric chemical component used in the experiment. For example, this might be a fluorescent probe or cross-linking agent. This class describes the chemical structure of the component, for example with a SMILES or INCHI descriptor, so that it is uniquely defined. A descriptor is typically assigned to a :class:`ihm.restraint.CrossLinkRestraint`. See :mod:`ihm.cross_linkers` for chemical descriptors of some commonly-used cross-linking agents. :param str auth_name: Author-provided name :param str chem_comp_id: If this chemical is listed in the Chemical Component Dictionary, its three-letter identifier :param str chemical_name: The systematic (IUPAC) chemical name :param str common_name: Common name for the component :param str smiles: SMILES string :param str smiles_canonical: Canonical SMILES string :param str inchi: IUPAC INCHI descriptor :param str inchi_key: Hashed INCHI key See also :attr:`System.orphan_chem_descriptors`. """ def __init__(self, auth_name, chem_comp_id=None, chemical_name=None, common_name=None, smiles=None, smiles_canonical=None, inchi=None, inchi_key=None): self.auth_name, self.chem_comp_id = auth_name, chem_comp_id self.chemical_name, self.common_name = chemical_name, common_name self.smiles, self.smiles_canonical = smiles, smiles_canonical self.inchi, self.inchi_key = inchi, inchi_key
[docs] class Collection(object): """A collection of entries belonging to single deposition or group. These are used by the archive to group multiple related entries, e.g. all entries deposited as part of a given study, or all models for a genome. An entry (:class:`System`) can belong to multiple collections. :param str id: Unique identifier (assigned by the archive). :param str name: Short name for the collection. :param str details: Longer description of the collection. See also :attr:`System.collections`. """ def __init__(self, id, name=None, details=None):,, self.details = id, name, details
[docs] class BranchDescriptor(object): """String descriptor of branched chemical structure. These generally only make sense for oligosaccharide entities. See :attr:`Entity.branch_descriptors`. :param str text: The value of this descriptor. :param str type: The type of the descriptor; one of "Glycam Condensed Core Sequence", "Glycam Condensed Sequence", "LINUCS", or "WURCS". :param str program: The name of the program or library used to compute the descriptor. :param str program_version: The version of the program or library used to compute the descriptor. """ def __init__(self, text, type, program=None, program_version=None): self.text, self.type = text, type self.program, self.program_version = program, program_version